Tekst en opmaak: Maarten Goossensen

In januari kijken wij traditiegetrouw nog één keer terug op het afgelopen muziek jaar. Alle collega’s van Progwereld hebben weer hun jaarlijstjes ingeleverd. Je kunt ze hieronder vinden. Opvallend was dat vrijwel elke progwereld medewerker stelde dat 2017 een zeer matig progjaar was. Wat dat betreft zijn we vorig jaar meer verwend. Toch was er dit jaar erg veel om van de genieten. Nieuwe albums van o.a. Roger Waters, Anathema, Pain Of Salvation, Threshold, Silhouette en Knight Area deden het stuk voor stuk uitstekend. Splijtzwam binnen het progwereld team en ongetwijfeld binnen de hele community is het Steven Wilson album “To The Bone”. Die valt overduidelijk in de categorie “geweldig of helemaal niets”. 2017 gaat ook de boeken in als het jaar waarin o.a. John Wetton en Alan Holdsworth ons ontvielen.

Progwereld mocht ook in 2017 verder groeien en daar ben ik super trots op! Voor het eerst in ons bestaan hebben we meer dan een miljoen bezoekers gehad. Dat had ik nooit gedacht toen ik 16 jaar geleden op een zolderkamertje met de site begon. De maand april van 2017 schoot er bovenuit. Toen bezochten ruim 100.000 bezoekers ons webstekje. 52 dinsdagen hadden we een update voor je klaarstaan, met daarin gemiddeld 5,5 recensies.

Wij hebben het weer met veel plezier gedaan en we blijven ons ook in 2018 inzetten om jou zo goed mogelijk op de hoogte te houden.

Veel leesplezier!

Maarten Goossensen

Hieronder tref je de top tien over 2017 van (bijna) alle Progwereld medewerkers aan.

Wouter Bessels
Roger Waters – Is This The Life We Really Want? Moss - Strike Peter Sjardin - Changes
Band / Artiest Album
1. Roger Waters Is This The Life We Really Want?
2. Moss Strike
3. Peter Sjardin Changes
4. King Crimson Sailors’ Tales
5. Godspeed You! Black Emperor Luciferian Towers
6. Brian Eno Reflection
7. Todd Rundgren White Knight
8. Johannes Schmoelling Diary of a Common Thread
9. Nits Angst
10. Tangerine Dream Quantum Gate
Wouter Brunner
Isildurs Bane & Steve Hogarth – Colours Not Found In Nature Mayra Orchestra – Oracle Kant Freud Kafka - Onírico
Band / Artiest Album
1. Isildurs Bane & Steve Hogarth Colours Not Found in Nature
2. Mayra Orchestra Oracle
3. Kant Freud Kafka Onírico
4. Roger Waters Is This the Life We Really Want?
5. Björk Utopia
6. Discipline. Captives of the Wine Dark Sea
7. The Unthanks Diversions, Vol. 4
8. Schnellertollermeier Rights
9. Phillip Henry & Hannah Martin Edgelarks
10. Kotebel Cosmology
Alex Driessen
Steven Wilson - To The Bone Barock Project – Detachment Big Big Train – Grimspound
1. Steven Wilson To The Bone
2. Barock Project Detachment
3. Big Big Train Grimspound
4. Tiger Moth Tales The Depth of Winter
5. Steve Hackett The Night Siren
6. Nad Sylvan The Bride Said No
7. Procol Harum Novum
8. PFM Emotional Tattoos
9. Mike Oldfield Return to Ommadawn
10. Magenta We are Legend
Jos Driessen
Roger Waters - Is This The Life We Really Want? Bjorn Riis - Forever Comes To An End Leprous - Malina
1. Roger Waters Is This The Life We Really Want?
2. Bjorn Riis Forever Comes To An End
3. Leprous Malina
4. The Black Noodle Project Divided We Fall
5. Sólstafir Berdreyminn
6. Cosmograf The Hay-Man Dreams
7. Collapse The Sleep In Me
8. Godspeed You! Black Emperor Lucifirian Towers
9. Carptree Emerger
10. Soup Remedies
Maarten Goossensen
Steven Wilson - To The Bone Barock Project – Detachment the war on drugs - a deeper understanding
Band / Artiest Album
1. Steven Wilson To The Bone
2. Barock Project Detachment
3. The War On Drugs A Deeper Understanding
4. Von Hertzen Brothers War Is Over
5. Threshold Legends Of The Shires
6. Lifesigns Cardington
7. Leprous Malina
8. Tim Bowness Lost In The Ghost Light
9. Soup Remedies
10. Monarch Trail Sand
Erik Groeneweg
Big Big Train - Grimspound The Dear Hunter - All Is As Should Be von hertzen brothers - war is over
Band / Artiest Album
1. Big Big Train Grimspound
2. The Dear Hunter All Is As Should Be
3. Von Hertzen Brothers War Is Over
4. Lifesigns Cardington
5. Drab & Steve Hackett Life Is A journey
6. Paul Draper Spooky Action
7. Lonely Robot The Big Dream
8. Magenta We Are Legend
9. Jet Black Sea Absorption Lines
10. Simon Phillips Protocol 4
Dick van der Heijde
I Am The Manic Whale - Gathering The Waters Christiaan Bruin's Inventions - Meta Mancunian Candidate - Mancunian Candidate
Band / Artiest Album
1. I Am The Manic Whale Gathering The Waters
2. Christiaan Bruin’s Inventions Meta
3. Mancunian Candidate Mancunian Candidate
4. Big Big Train Grimspound
5. Knight Area Heaven And Beyond
6. Mostly Autumn Sight Of Day
7. Karibow From Here To The Impossible
8. Anubis The Second Hand
9. Milky Way Gas Station Somewhere Anywhere
10. JPL Le Livre Blanc
Math Lemmen
The Tangent - The Slow Rust Of Forgotten Machinery Nad Sylvan - The Bride Said No Barock Project – Detachment
Band / Artiest Album
1. The Tangent The Slow Rust Of Forgotten Machinery
2. Nad Sylvan The Bride Said No
3. Barock Project Detachment
4. Ayreon The Source
5. Big Big Train Grimspound
6. Steve Hackett The Night Siren
7. Dave Kerzner Static
8. Kaipa Children Of The Sounds
9. Procol Harum Novum
10. Rikard Sjöblom’s Gungfly On Her Journey To The Sun
Clemens Leunisse
Innerspace - Rise Pyramaxx - Move Ray Wilson - Time & Distance
Band / Artiest Album
1. Innerspace Rise
2. Pyramaxx Move
3. Ray Wilson Time & Distance
4. Bjorn Riis Forever Comes To An End
5. Knight Area Heaven & Beyond
6. Lonely Robot The Big Dream
7. Cosmograf The Hay-man Dreams
8. Fizbers 1st Mind
9. Hibernal The Dark Of The City
10. The War On Drugs A Deeper Understanding
Fred Nieuwesteeg
La Bocca della Verita - Avenoth The Watch - Seven Silhouette - The World Is Flat (And Other Alternative Facts)
Band / Artiest Album
1. La Bocca della Verita Avenoth
2. The Watch Seven
3. Silhouette The World Is Flat (And Other Alternative Facts)
4. The Tangent The Slow Rust Of Forgotten Machines
5. Big Big Train Grimspound
6. Drifting Sun Twilight
7. Kaipa Children Of The Sounds
8. Bjorn Riis Forever Comes To An End
9. Steve Hackett The Night Siren
10. Knight Area Heaven And Beyond
Mario van Os
Anathema - The Optimist pain of salvation - in the passing light of day Ayreon - The Source
Band / Artiest Album
1. Anathema The Optimist
2. Pain Of Salvation In The Passing Light Of Day
3. Ayreon The Source
4. Lunatic Soul Fractured
5. End Of The Dream Until You Break
6. Vuur In This Moment We Are Free – Cities
7. Sons Of Apollo Psychotic Symphony
8. Blackfield V
9. Operation:Mindcrime The New Reality
10. Semistereo Trans Earth Injection
Luke Peerdeman
Pain Of Salvation- In the Passing Light of Day Wingfield Reuter Stavi Sirkis- The Stone House Caligula's Horse- In Contact
Band / Artiest Album
1. Pain Of Salvation In The Passing Light Of Day
2. Wingfield Reuter Stavi Sirkis The Stone House
3. Caligula’s Horse In Contact
4. Mike Oldfield Return to Ommadawn
5. Soul Enema Of Clans and Clones And Clowns
6. Steven Wilson To The Bone
7. Big Big Train Grimspound
8. Isildurs Bane & Steve Hogarth Colours Not Found In Nature
9. Tim Bowness Lost In The Ghost Light
10. Maya Orchestra Oracle
Ralph Uffing
Kaprekar's Constant - Fate Outsmarts Desire Silhouette – The World Is Flat Playgrounded – In Time With Gravity
Band / Artiest Album
1. Kaprekar’s Constant Fate Outsmarts Desire
2. Silhouette The World Is Flat (And Other Alternative Facts)
3. Playgrounded In time With Gravity
4. Threshold Legends Of The Shires
5. Steven Wilson To The Bone
6. Nad Sylvan The Bride Said No
7. Leprous Malina
8. Eloy The Sword, The Vision And The Pyre, Pt 1
9. Brother Ape Karma
10. The War On Drugs A Deeper Understanding
Ruard Veltmaat
Kauan – Kaiho Voyager – Ghost Mile The Black Noodle Project – Divided We Fall
Band / Artiest Album
1. Kauan Kaiho
2. Voyager Ghost Mile
3. The Black Noodle Project Divided We Fall
4. Soup Remedies
5. When Mary Tainted
6. Below The Sun Alien World
7. DVNE Asheran
8. The Silent Wedding Enigma Etarnal
9. Bell Witch Mirror Reaper
10, For All We Know Take Me Home